Export to the United States
Export to the United States

Privacy Policy

When you register with Export to the United States online under our Registration area, your contact information (including your name, address and e-mail address) is added to our secure database. We do not send unsolicited mail, but from time to time, we might send you information about new features, additions, and changes to Export to the United States products and services

Also, Export to the United States occasionally makes contact information available to other divisions of our company, as well as to selected outside companies whose products or services we feel may be of interest to you

Access to your information is limited to authorized persons only


Export to the United States employees never ask for, or take, any personal or confidential information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, passwords, social security numbers and so on


How are cookies used on the Export to the United States website?

Export to the United States online uses permanent cookies to recognize you and to enable an automatic log-in to our website. We also provide session cookies that grant you certain access privileges, such as access to your profile (ad) and protected content

We use permanent cookies to customize the edition of the site you wish to view as well as to track aggregate site usage and statistics. Please be assured that we take your concerns about privacy seriously, and we intend to take every reasonable effort to protect it


For questions, comments, or to review or correct your information, please contact us


Thank You,

The Export to the United States Team

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